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Internal software presents a large attack surface for cybercriminals, making a strong application- security process an indispensable part of protecting a business. Data breaches are on the rise, prompting big businesses to finally realize that prevention is always cheaper than recovery.

Speridian’s application security consulting services will help you design and implement the right security measures to ensure you don’t make headlines for a data breach or lose everything to ransomware. We’ll partner with you to design an application security strategy that aligns with your goals and resources.

Speridian’s Application Security Services at a Glance

Our Services


Lean on our consultants to provide the right guidance on application security based on your goals and industry standards. By leveraging our experience across multiple verticals, we’ll:

  • Provide vulnerabilities consultancy based on OWASP top ten best practices
  • Ensure compliance with your industry’s regulations such as PCI-DSS, PHIPAA, ISO, etc.
  • Guide your development team to remediate potential security issues in your critical applications



Get a baseline for how well your applications’ security measures up. Our security consultants will put your applications through the ringer by performing the following security tests:

  • Vulnerability Assessment Penetration Testing: Identify what vulnerabilities are present, the way a real attacker would, and eliminate them
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing: Detect security threats in an application’s running state before production
  • Static Application Security Testing: Analyze application source code, byte code, and binaries for coding and design conditions indicative of security vulnerabilities
  • Security by Design: Our team of experts will review threat modeling and application design security and provide guidance on how to remedy security threats



Identify and eliminate exposure to unwanted security threats within points of integration. Modern flaw scanners can be added to the existing CI suite to provide on-the-fly reports for hardening applications and their environments. Our security consultants will help you implement security maintenance tools into your continuous integration suite with an emphasis on:

  • Code Scanning
  • Environment Scanning
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • Reporting and Log Analysis



Program Management

Need help with developing your application security program? We’ve got you covered.  Our security experts are eager to help you:

  • Implement your Application Security Program Design from scratch
  • Develop Mature Application Security using models like BSIM and SAMM
  • Promote a culture of application security throughout all lines of business and IT
  • Provide E-Learning and Instructor-led trainings on security


Technical Support

Don’t feel like you have to face security challenges alone. Our knowledgeable resources are available to provide the following technical support services to supplement your IT team:

  • Outsourced Application Security tasks
  • Technical support on a flexible security tools portfolio via phone and email as needed


Speridian Advantage

Gap analysis throughout the entire software development lifecycle

Expose vulnerabilities through rigorous automated and manual testing

Strengthen regulatory compliance efforts and improve application security

Predictable operations costs and defined controls

Detailed reports with remediation recommendations and support



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What is the Salesforce Security model?

Salesforce has grown in popularity and demand in the last several decades and is widely […]

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