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Today’s businesses are inundated with more data than ever before. There’s transactional data, demographic data, and infinite amounts of behavioral data. When you add it all up, you have data ranging from anonymous ad impressions to known customer purchases, all the way to product usage and customer service. Customer data is a subset of all of this data. Customer data is typically stored in silos, whether organizational or technological, making it difficult for businesses to provide consistent customer experiences across multiple channels and consumer devices. Companies frequently rely on disconnected legacy systems incapable of offering the satisfying journeys that customers expect. Given the increased speed with which customers switch between channels, businesses require moment-oriented solutions like Salesforce CDP to maintain pace. Users can find information from onboarding to Salesforce CDP documentation in one place.

Continue reading to learn about CDP and the benefits of the Salesforce application development platform, which extends the reach and functionality of your CRM.

What is CDP and how does it work?

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is software that combines data from various tools to create a single centralized customer database that contains information on all of the customer touchpoints and interactions with your product or service. It can then segment this database to create personalized marketing campaigns.

CDP combines data from internal and external sources to create a single source of truth, combining known and anonymous contact data. It provides far more detailed, granular customer insights than siloed solutions and can enhance personalization in your marketing.

Gaining customer insights is only helpful if you act on them and can communicate more effectively with your customers. CDP enables targeted, personalized experiences by informing you what customers expect at each marketing touchpoint. It integrates with your communication solutions, shares the same customer segmentation across marketing platforms, and provides insight into anonymous behavior before conversion, allowing you to engage customers with targeted messages from the start.

How can Salesforce CDP help grow businesses today?

Here are some benefits of using CDP:

Build smarter audience segments

Most businesses find audience segmentation difficult because it can be a complex, time-consuming, and expensive task. CDP has a powerful segmentation engine that enables users to query a rich set of data attributes quickly, create audience segments, and activate them for targeted mobile messaging, advertising, personalization, and more.

Salesforce CDP has a versatile, user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality for simple audience segmentation. This enables you to create multi-dimensional segments by combining attributes from sales, service, commerce, loyalty, ERP, and other systems to obtain real-time population counts.

Personalize engagements through a single source of truth

Salesforce CDP is capable of storing large quantities of data and unifying large volumes of personal, demographic, behavioral, purchase, and interaction data, all while maintaining consumer permission across touchpoints. These profiles reflect customer interactions with your company across functions and brands.

Salesforce CDP Connectors are specialized data streams that communicate with external sources to transmit data into a Salesforce CDP data source object. With unified customer profiles, you can deliver relevant messaging to the right consumer across all channels and provide hyper-personalized purchasing experiences. It can use the same data to block sending irrelevant communications.

Unlock insights to help you make better decisions

You can delve deeper into insights such as customer lifetime value or engagement score with unified customer data. You can use data visualization to compare the performance indicators of multiple marketing campaigns in a single display to activate rich data in business intelligence tools such as Salesforce CDP Tableau using native connectors.

Metric visualization in a simple and interactive format leads to a deeper understanding of customers, informing critical decision-making. You can also optimize the performance of your marketing and sales campaigns by adjusting visuals accordingly. Use data visualization to compare the performance metrics of various marketing campaigns in a single view. Identify campaigns that work well for specific customer segments quickly to fine-tune your marketing mix and optimize budgets.

Provide engaging experiences that build customer loyalty

The best part about Salesforce CDP is that you can use its data and insights across departments and the customer lifecycle. Lookalikes can help you grow your audience, increase engagement with behavior-based targeting and upsells, and increase retention with loyalty segmentation, special offers, and churn detection.

Salesforce CDP can also help customers have more innovative shopping experiences by combining transactional order data with additional cross-channel data to form segments and generate insights. Also, it can help businesses collect, analyze, and enrich first-party data. It has a straightforward user interface that makes the data simple to understand and apply. You can use AI-powered analytics to gain actionable insights and make data-driven business decisions.

Solve Data Challenges with Salesforce CDP

A single customer view is a 360-degree representation of all the aggregated data a company knows about its customers. Salesforce CDP allows you to collect customer data from several different sources for a comprehensive view of the customer. So that you can execute and optimize personalized customer journeys. Salesforce CDP also enables marketers to capture, unify, segment, and activate all of their customer data, allowing them to humanize experiences in marketing, commerce, service, and sales.

As a Salesforce consulting partner, our proven CRM approach to offers a unique combination of specialized horizontal services along with vertical expertise, innovation, and solutions. With our digital and cloud technology expertise and by leveraging our industry domain knowledge, Speridian’s Salesforce Practice has a full spectrum of services including Salesforce Health Cloud, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and more.

Contact Speridian today to get started with Salesforce CDP.

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