Speridian flying high-ranked again in NM top 10 techs
Speridian has ranked #8 in the Top Ten Revenue Companies and #2 in Top Growth For Revenues >$10M in the annual, prestigious 2014 New Mexico Technology Flying 40. Awards.
Speridian has ranked #8 in the Top Ten Revenue Companies and #2 in Top Growth For Revenues >$10M in the annual, prestigious 2014 New Mexico Technology Flying 40. Awards.
BenefitAlign is proud to announce the launch of our Private Exchange and Defined Contribution modules. By 2019, it is estimated that 28 million Americans will buy health insurance through an online channel.
In today’s competitive and rapidly evolving market landscape, companies are forced to adapt quickly and re-engineer the way they do business — starting with their internal business processes — to gain competitive advantage and organizational efficiencies.
Today’s complex healthcare environment poses several challenges to deliver an effective incentive compensation program. BenefitAlign’s Incentive Compensation Management (ICM) solution is a robust and flexible incentive program that can support rapidly changing market demands and regulations.
Over the last couple of years, Speridian has invested significant resources in developing solutions to improve the patient experience. The result is an innovative Web portal called PatientAlign, which considerably enhances the patient experience through a number of patient-focused tools and features.