Banking & Financial Services

Embracing Digital Banking To Augment Your Customer Experience
Beacon Digital Banking for financial institutions away from customers in terms of providing the personnel touch know more about Speridians’ Banking Product.
Banking Technology Innovations
Banking Technology Innovations & financial institutions are turning to Digital automation and Robotics, making their existing systems efficient. Learn More…
Speridian’s Core Lending Solution unleashes growth
Client Our client, an Indian regional bank specializing in loan products, had been constrained by difficult to use and scale software. Adopting Speridian’s Core Lending Solution has dramatically increased its lending business while also enhancing their ability to manage risk.
Speridian’s Beacon Delinquency Management streamlines loan recovery
Our client, a major Indian regional bank, adopted Speridian’s Beacon Delinquency Management solution to improve their loan business. Doing so allowed the bank to improve loan decision making, minimizing Nonperforming Assets, easing the burden and improving the success rate