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JGI Group is an education provider and an entrepreneurship incubator in India. The Group successfully operates 85 educational institutions with 51,600 students and 6,450 employees engaged at the K-12, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, spread between 64 campuses across India.

Table of Contents


  • Cross-channel contact center for phone and customer portal
  • Improve student inquiry process and maintain close relationship with potential customers
  • SMS integration and email notifications to provide best service to students
  • Integration with in-house system to share application details


  • CTI Integration, Outbound call and SMS Gateway Integration
  • Single system to handle both inquiries and applications
  • Student 360 view to help approach each prospect optimally
  • Seamlessly integrated external admission management system to service cloud


  • Enhanced insight and visibility for school administration and IT teams to monitor staff or call center performance
  • Improved turnaround time for student inquiries and issues
  • Insight and visibility made managing agent performance and student satisfaction levels[FHS1]  easy
  • Improved relationships between students and agents provide students with the best opportunities
  • Application-handling efficiency increased

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