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Client Background:

Our client offers a range of affordable debt products to residential real estate investors. They have been helping customers finance single-family and small-multifamily properties, including condominiums and townhomes. Specializing in custom-built loans and working directly with borrowers, brokers, and partners, our client provides tailor-made products for clients seeking affordable rates and closing certainty. Since closing over $3 billion in loans they have become one of the nation’s leading private lending companies.

Previous Situation:

Our client was previously using a more archaic method of internal communication. It was a basic format where all employees had access to one shared drive that housed all internal folders, documents, links, etc., for every department.

One of their main pain points that sprouted from using this system, was the overall lack of internal company organization. There was no content management system for employees and managers to effectively collaborate, execute automate workflows, or perform administrative functions such as, data organization, search capabilities for data, records management, project management that was needed within each department.

They stressed the demand to use a platform to steadily replace their current unorganized “catch-all” portal; converting to an efficient and structured system where all employees had secure access to their own designated departmental portals.


Speridian assessed our client’s function challenges, designed a deployment plan for SharePoint and implemented an intranet site that comprised of custom features, 3rd party web parts, as well a custom-designed homepage.

Tailored sector web parts featured on the website included an employee of the week, a links list, weather reports, and news announcements.

Additionally, three departmental subsites were also created: HR, Marketing, and IT.  Each of these subsites had their own site portal ownership permissions and contained frequently used links and discussion boards. All coordinating documents and links for each department were able to be stored in a document repository, where employees and business managers would have access to the sync function, using the “work off-line” feature to effectively operate and communicate within their company in any environment. Speridian also supplied our client with all relevant documentation regarding SharePoint deployment and usage. This technology provided our client with the building blocks to launch its internal organization process. This intranet set up, in addition to providing them with hands-on understanding and end-user training, gave them the necessary tools and instruction for them to create additional departmental sites on SharePoint when needed. By moving to a centralized intranet-based administrative platform, it would enable our clients to better manage their employee’s administrative functions in a seamless and consolidated manner.

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