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Speridian’s Loan Origination Solution transforms Micro-finance institution


Our client, a major Indian regional bank, adopted Speridian’s Loan Origination Solution to enhance their loan business.  Doing so dramatically increased their ability to market to clients, process new loans, and minimize risk, while also increasing the customer satisfaction.


Customer Situation

Our client was having a very difficult time trying to scale up their business due to existing software constraints.  The solutions they had tried were either too slow, provided limited automation opportunities, or failed to scale sufficiently.  This constrained business throughput, prospect conversion rates, and customer satisfaction, placing a cap on their ability to grow.  They needed a single automated system to address these concerns.


Speridian’s Solution

After carefully reviewing the requirements, Speridian suggested adopting our Loan Origination Solution.  A mobile or browser-based application, our software made the loan process simple, easy, and fast, all while tightening security and compliance.  Allowing 24×7 access from anywhere, our solution allowed a massive increase in applications while streamlining the approval and review process.


Technologies Used

ASP.Net, Web API, ASP.Net SignalR JavaScript,  jQuery ,Ajax  C


Business Impact

The impact was immediate and substantial.  With a simpler, more user-friendly front end, and a streamlined approval process, order volumes never envisioned became possible.  And with the ability to rapidly identify the risk of poor performing loans before they were made, the health of the overall loan portfolio increased significantly.  Finally, the ability to take a request from, and deliver a loan directly to, the customer’s doorstep greatly enhanced customer satisfaction.

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We can help your business grow with our industry leading technology solutions and services.

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